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时间: 晓晴2 六年级






1、能听懂、会说、会读单词:watch, wallet, calculator, teapot, hairdryer, skateboard。

2、能听懂、会说、会读名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs并让学生感受其用法。

3、能正确理解并能体验句型 ①Whose?is it/are they? It’s/They’re?②Who is it/are they from? It’s/They’re from?的使用语境。








单词hairdryer, calculator, skateboard的读音;有感情的朗读对话并适当拓展。




Step1 、Warming-up.

1、课前播放歌曲:“We wish you merry Christmas”。

2、Free talk.

①T: Today, here are so many new English teachers in our classroom. Can you introduce yourself to the teachers?

T: What date is it today?

T: What holiday(节日)is coming?(Ss: Christmas)

引出课题并呈现卡片进行教学。(Unit 7 At Christmas)

T: When’s Christmas? (Ss: It’s on the 25th of December.)

②T: What do you know about Christmas? (Ss:自由介绍!)

提示学生可以用中文自由介绍。(T:You can speak in Chinese.)

Father Christmas圣诞老人 stockings长筒袜

③T: What do people usually do at Christmas? (Ss: They usually eat delicious food.and give presents to each other.互赠礼物)


Step2、Presentation and Practice


T: We know we can get some presents on Christmas day. And last year, on

Christmas day, I got a present from my friend Jack. Look, it’s a watch.

So we can say the watch is from Jack. It’s for me. It’s my watch. It’s mine.


2、Learning the whole text

Listen and answer(序言)

T: Now we know I got a Christmas present from my friend at Christmas. And Jim’s family got some presents, too. Now let’s look at the preface.

What holiday(节日) was it?

It was Christmas Day.

Who are they?

They are Jim’s family.

Where were they?

They were in Jim’s grandparents’ house.

What were they doing?

They were opening their presents under the Christmas tree.

Watch and circle(完整的看一遍课文卡通片,圈出Jim一家的礼物)

根据学生圈出的礼物,教师进行单词教学:a watch, a teapot and some tea, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer.

教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。重点指导calculator, skateboard,hairdryer的发音。

(设计意图:在教学skateboard, teapot, hairdryer时,我借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。)

Read and match(快速阅读课文,将对应的人物、礼物进行连线。)

在学生做完连线以后,运用连线后的图引出句型:Whose...is it/are they? It’s/They’re...


Read and fill in the form(细读课文,完成表格内礼物来自于谁,然后根据例句造句)

重点让学生操练句型:Who is it/are they from? It’s/ They’re from…

如:The wallet is from Grandma. It’s for Grandpa. It’s his.

The teapot and some tea are from Grandpa. They are for Grandma. They’re hers. (注意单复数)


Read after the T sentence by sentence.

Fill in the blanks (Do a summary of the text)

On __________ Day, Jim’s family get many presents. The wallet is from Grandma. It’s Grandpa’s. It’s ____. The teapot and some tea are _____ Grandpa. They’re Grandma’s. They’re _____. A calculator and a skateboard are from Mum and Dad. They are _____ Jim. They’re _____. The watch is for father. The hairdryer is for mother. Everybody is very excited.

Step4、Write a letter

We know that I got a watch from my friend Jack last year. This year, on Christmas day, I want to send some presents to Jack’s family, too. Let’s look at Jack’s family photo.

Dear Jack, ’s for you. It’s ’

’s for your wife(妻子)。It’’ ’s for your son. It’’

Merry Christmas!

Sincerely yours,




1. Read and act the dialogue.

2. Make a Christmas present for your parents or your friends.


一、教学内容:Main scene Let’s start Part A Let’s learn Let’s find out


1、能够听、说、读、写短语:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents。

2、能够听懂问句:What did you do last weekend? 并能够做出正确的回答。

3、能够运用新学语言内容完成Let’s find out 中的任务。


听、说、读、写短语“watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents”,听懂、会说句子:What did you do last weekend? 并能够在实际情景中灵活运用。








1、 Warm-up

(1)Daily oral practice.

Good morning! Glad to meet you. How are you? What’s the weather like today? 对话练习,已学知识的巩固。

(2)Hang–man game. 玩游戏,猜单词。

( watch, wash, clean, play, visit)

2、 Preview

(1) Let’s chant (第六册书本Page 7)

a. 听一遍录音 b、师生一起说唱

(2) Let’s start:

What do you usually do on the weekend? 说说自己的周末,复习动词短语。

3、 Presentation

(1)、教师出示一个日历给大家看,圈出今天的日子是Sunday(weekend),然后问学生:What’s the date today? What day is it today? 学生回答今天的日期, Today is April the 10th. It’s Sunday.

(2)、教师说:On Sunday (weekend),I usually wash clothes, clean the room, play football, watch TV and visit grandparents.出示教师所说动作的卡片,学生跟读词组。跟着老师朗读几遍动词短语。

(3)、教师问学生:What do you usually do on Sundays? 学生回答教师的问题。

(4)、教师再次出示日历,圈出上个星期天的日子,然后问学生:What was that day? 引导学生回答:It was last Sunday? 板书并带读单词:last。教师:It was last Sunday. It was the last weekend. 板书、解释并朗读词组:last weekend。学生跟读并掌握词组:last weekend。

(5)、引出句型:What did you do last weekend?板书句型并朗读。

(6)、呈现词组:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents.强调这些过去式的发音。/t/, /t/, /d/, /d/, /id/。

(7)、Activity one: Bingo!


(9)、Activity two: 摘苹果游戏

(10). 教师领读 Let’s learn部分。

4、 Consolidation and extension

Let’s find out.


What did Zoom do last weekend?

板书并认读:do-did, water-watered.

(2)、教师问几个学生:What did you do?

(3)、Do a survey。学生之间相互了解,并做好记录。




(6)、回家朗读课本Let’s learn部分,抄写词组。


last weekend watch-watched wash-washed clean-cleaned

play-played visit-visited do-did water-watered

What did you do last weekend? I watched TV.



教学内容:Unit 2 New York is in the east of America .

学习任务:Where is New York ? It’s here, in the east .

Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America.

功 能: 讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。


一、 复习:


What’s this ?(It’s a map of China.) Yes, it’s a map of China .I’m from Beijing . it's in the north of China.


Where are you from ? Where is it on the map?Please find it on the map.


1、出示Simon的图片,提问:Who is he ? (he’s Simon . He’s Daming’s cousin .)

Where is he from? (He’s from Now York , America.)

板书New York Where is New York?

2、出示美国地图。提问: This is a map of America ,Can you find New York? 引导学生在图上找到纽约的位置。


1、在地图上标注east ,west ,south .north .帮助学生复习这些单词,老师领读。巩固单词。

让学生根据老师的口令作工作。Turn to the north .

Turn to the south . Turn to the east . Turn to the west


America New York san Francisco Canana Mexico China


Where is New York ? It’s in the east of America .

What about San Francisco ? It’s in the west of America.


Where is Canana ? It’s north of America . Where is Mexico ? It’s south of America.




1、SB 第二单元活动4,让学生熟悉韵诗的大致内容,向学生讲解不理解的内容。

2、全班一起完成AB 第二单元练习3 。听录音,根据录音判断练习中的陈述是否正确。



It’s going to snow in Harbin

learning aims:

⑴能听懂、会说、会读、会写本单元的单词rain, snow, windy, cold, sunny, warm


It’s going to rain in Harbin.

It’s going to be warm and sunny in Dalian.

What are you going to do on Thursday?

I’m going to watch TV.等句子。

⑶会说chant:What are you going to do today?.



Step 1: Warm-up and show the learning aims

1. Review Unit 1. Ask and answer:

What are you going to do? I’m going to….

When are you going to go? I’m going to go at….

2. The teacher says: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 2 Unit2 It’s going to snow in Harbin. (板书课题) First,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

Step 2: Learn the new words and the key sentences.

1. Watch a real weather forecast. Then write the key words on the blackboard: rain, snow, windy, cold, sunny, warm

2. Ask the students to learn the new words by themselves.

① Try to read by themselves.

② Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

③ Let the students remember the words in their own small groups.

3. Watch the parts of the real weather forecast again. Then ask

and answer two by two:

What’s the weather like in…? It’s…

What’s the weather going to be like in_____ tomorrow?

It’s going to________.

Step 3: Learn the Text

1. (The teacher says) let’s listen to the weather forecast of the tape, and then answer the questions.

2. Play the tape and repeat.

3. Ask and answer the questions.

A:What’s the weather going to be like in Harbin\ Beijing\ Dalian\ Xi’an tomorrow?

B: It’s going to….

4. Finish activity 2 and activity 3.

Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.

5. Group work: Finish activity 5 of Page9 in the book.

Step 4: Chant

1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.

2. Play the tape and ask the children to listen carefully.

3. Play the tape several times and ask the children to chant together.

4. Ask the children to chant one by one.

Step 5: Finish a Task

1. Say some sentences by using “be going to”

2. Recite the new words and the key sentences correctly and skillfully in 5 minutes.

3. Copy the new words and the key sentences correctly three times. (要求:书写要认真、细心、端正、漂亮)

Blackboard Writing:

It’s going to snow in Harbin

New words:rain, snow, windy, cold, sunny, warm

It’s going to _______ in Harbin\....

It’s going to be __________ in Dalian\....

What are you going to do _______?

I’m going to _________.



Unit 1 The Great Wall

学习任务:These postcards are great!

It’s a picture of the Great Wall .

功 能:



一、 热身复习:


(How are you ,boys and girls?Welcome back to school)


(Where did you go in summer holiday? What did you do in summer holiday ?Have you got interesting things to tell me ?)

3、建议他们通过展示图片和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型“It’s a picture of ,It’s very .”等。

二、 任务呈现与课文导入:

1、老师从学生的图片或照片中选取比较典型的并提问:“Do you know this place?”引导全班学生自由回答。

2、回答完毕后,老师总结:These photos are great .

出示长城的明信片,复习单词postcard . 老师问:Do you know this place ? 引导学生回答:Yes ,it’s the Great wall . It’s a picture of the Great Wall .老师再问:Is it long or short ? It’s long .

3、告诉学生:在这个暑假里,Daming 去了美国旅游,并在那里经历了很多有趣的事情。刚到表哥Simon家,行李还没有收拾好,Daming 和Simon就迫不及待的聊开了。


1、将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,呈现SB活动1,让学生看书,听听Daming 和Simon 的对话,听完之后,让学生说一说:Who is Simon ? Where is Daming ? What are they doing ?

2、让学生打开书,放录音,学生边听边看书,勾画出课文中的生词。 教师讲解单词:

Postcard more thousand kilometre million Mexico Canada


(1)明信片上画的是哪里? (2) 关于长城、纽约和北京,他们都谈了些什么?


1. These postcards are great .

2. It’s a picture of the Great Wall .

3. How long is the Great Wall ? It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .

4. How big is Beijing ? It has got eight million people .




